Terute-shiro (also known as Terute White) is an unusual ornamental flowering peach. While fruiting peach trees always have deep red blossom, Terute-shiro has solid white semi-double blossom
It flowers in early spring - late February or early March.
Terute-shiro grows with a compact upright form. It can be grown alongside its sister trees, since they all have a similar form, but different blossom colours.
Although grown purely for its ornamental appeal, Terute-shiro may sometimes produce a small crop of small peaches.
Although relatively unknown in Western Europe, in China and Japan flowering peach trees have been popular for thousands of years.
Teruteshiro was developed in Japan in the 1980s, from two other ornamental peach varieties, Houki Momo crossed with Sansetsu Shidare. These all have an upright form.
This variety description was researched and written by Orange Pippin staff. Last checked: 2022.