This contorted hazel makes an interesting addition to the winter garden - its twisted branches are most apparent in winter, and are highlighted by the attractive yellow catkins which appear in February.
Contorta can grow to an eventual height of about 3m, but benefits from being pruned back periodically.
Contorta will grow in most soils, including clay and chalk.
We supply this plant as a single-stemmed bush, but it will if left to its own devices it will throw out new shoots from the base of the tree. These can be pruned out if you wish to retain a single stem.
Contorta appears to be a natural sport of the native English hazel.
Illustrative example of a pot-grown tree of this variety as supplied. Approximate girth: 6/8cm. We try to keep all pot-grown trees down to about 1.5m as supplied, but some may be larger. Trees should reach their mature height after about 10 or more years.