Heptacodium miconiodes is a small tree, reaching about 4m in UK conditions.
The tree produces abundant clusters of scented creamy-white long-lasting flowers in late summer, which are very attractive to bees at a time when most other trees and plants are no longer in flower.
After the flowers have fallen their pink / red calyxes remain, providing additional colour and interest.
The light brown bark peels off in sheets in winter, revealing darker brown bark underneath.
All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.
All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Heptacodium miconioides melliferous trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in the spring to pre-order for the autumn.
Heptacodium miconiodes is easy to grow and suitable for most soils.
Heptacodium miconiodes is quite rare in its native China, but has become a popular ornamental tree in western Europe and North America. It is also known as the Seven Sons tree (a direct translation of its Chinese name).
Illustrative example of a pot-grown tree of this variety as supplied. Approximate girth: 6/8cm. We try to keep all pot-grown trees down to about 1.5m as supplied, but some may be larger. Trees should reach their mature height after about 10 or more years.