Pyrus salcifolia Pendula is a very attractive ornamental pear tree. It is named for the resemblance of its leaves to those of the weeping willow.
The main attraction is undoutedly the grey-green leaves, which gradually darken as summer progresses - but the white lightly scented spring blossom is also a feature.
The branches also have a somewhat weeping habit, particularly when young, but the mature tree tends to have a spreading rather than weeping form.
The fruits are purely ornamental, and not suitable for human consumption.
As well as the regular form, we sometimes have Pendula available as a "top-worked" tree - grafted on top of a 1.2m clear-stem. This accentuates the weeping habit.
Order now for delivery from 17th September for pot grown trees or December for bare-root or mixed tree orders.
The branches of Pyrus salcifolia Pendula become quite dense, so it can be used for hedging - and it also responds well to pruning at almost any time of the year.
The tree is relatively slow-growing, and tolerant of most soils and situations, but does best in a sunny spot.
Pyrus salcifolia is a native of central Russia and the near east.
Illustrative examples of 12L pot-grown trees of this variety as supplied. Approximate girth: 6/8cm. We try to keep all pot-grown trees down to about 1.5m as supplied, but some may be larger. Trees should reach their mature height after about 10 or more years.