Prunus Shogetsu, also known as Blushing Bride or Oku-miyako, is a popular Japanese flowering cherry.
The main attraction is the cascading clusters of blossom hanging on long stalks. The large double flowers are tinged with pink, but open to a pure white.
Shogetsu flowers quite late, starting in May in most areas. The leaves appear at the same time as the flowers, and are initially a light bronze-green colour.
In autumn the leaves take on orange tints, although this is somewhat weather dependent - it is more likely when autumn is sunny but with cold nights.
The tree develops an impressive presence as it grows, taking on an increasingly spreading habit - a mature tree is likely to be considerably wider than it is high, eventually taking on a parasol-like appearance. It is one of the best flowering cherries for winter form.
Order now for delivery from 17th September for pot grown trees or December for bare-root or mixed tree orders.
Shogetsu does best in a sheltered location in well-drained soil. Avoid windy sites if possible.
As with many flowering cherries of Japanese origins, Shogetsu's history is littered with mis-identifications and multiple names (including Blushing Bride and Oku Miyako). Even the famous English enthusiast of the 1920s, Collingwood Ingram, came unstuck with this variety. However the confusion was eventually resolved and Shogetsu has become one of the most widely-admired of the white-blossom Japanese flowering cherries.
Illustrative examples of 12L pot-grown trees of this variety as supplied.
Approximate girth: 6/8cm. We try to keep all pot-grown trees down to about 1.5m as supplied, but some may be larger.
Trees should reach their mature height after about 10 or more years.
We may also have 1-year bare-root trees of this variety - they are not shown here.
We list more than 70 different flowering cherry trees. Choosing can be difficult! Our article explaining the different characteristics of flowering cherries might help narrow down the selection.